Relief Maps

Hiking : Chemin des Chêvres

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Savoie

Map of the trail for Chemin des Chêvres




5.297 km


424.0 m

Welcome to the Chemin des Chêvres hiking route! This picturesque trail offers a moderate challenge with a distance of 5.297 kilometers and an elevation gain of 424 meters. The estimated duration for this hike is 2 hours and 17 minutes.

The trail starts at a parking area, which is conveniently located at the beginning of the route. As you make your way along the trail, you will come across various points of interest. About 0.01 kilometers into the hike, you will find a shelter where you can take a break and enjoy the surroundings.

Continuing on, at around 2.62 kilometers into the hike, you will pass by a spring where you can replenish your water supply. Just a bit further, at 2.65 kilometers, there is another water source available.

Midway through the hike, at 0.07 kilometers in, you will reach the Chlatet Refuge de la Thuile, a wilderness hut where you can rest and possibly spend the night if you choose to extend your adventure.

For those looking for a refreshment or a quick bite to eat, there is a cafe called Chalet Refuge de la Thuile located at 0.07 kilometers along the trail.

Throughout the hike, you will also come across informational points, such as Sentiers de Randonnées at 0.01 kilometers and other informative sites.

As you approach the end of the trail, at 0.08 kilometers, you will encounter a wayside cross, adding a touch of historic charm to your journey.

Remember to bring plenty of water, wear sturdy hiking shoes, and check the weather forecast before embarking on this adventure. Whether you are a seasoned hiker or just starting out, the Chemin des Chêvres trail offers a rewarding experience amidst the natural beauty of the area. Enjoy your hike!

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