Relief Maps

Hiking : Tosa de Juclar


Map of the trail for Tosa de Juclar




9.474 km


514.0 m

This challenging hiking route will take you to the beautiful Tosa de Juclar area, offering stunning views of the surrounding natural landscapes. The total distance of the hike is approximately 9.5 kilometers with an elevation gain of 514 meters.

As you start your journey, you will come across various points of interest along the way. At the beginning of the trail, you will find a parking area where you can leave your vehicle before starting the hike. As you venture further, you will pass by the Cascada del Juclar waterfall, adding a serene touch to your trek.

Midway through the hike, you will reach the Refugi de Juclar, an alpine hut where you can take a break and admire the panoramic views. Nearby, there is the Estany Primer de Juclar, a stunning mountain lake perfect for a peaceful rest stop.

Throughout the hike, you will also encounter several water sources, such as the Font del Travenc spring, providing fresh mountain water along the trail.

For those looking for a meal or a quick refreshment, the restaurant "l'Ovella Negra" is conveniently located along the path, offering sustenance for hikers.

As you reach the endpoint of the trail, the Tosa de Juclar viewpoint awaits, providing a breathtaking vista of the surrounding area as a rewarding conclusion to your journey.

This hike is classified as difficult due to its length and elevation gain, so it is crucial to come prepared with proper hiking gear, sufficient water, and snacks. Additionally, checking the weather forecast before embarking on this adventure is highly recommended.

Explore the Tosa de Juclar area and immerse yourself in the beauty of the Andorran mountains on this challenging yet rewarding hiking route.

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