Relief Maps

Hiking : sente de crête - Saint-Nizier-du-Moucherotte

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère Saint-Nizier-du-Moucherotte

Map of the trail for sente de crête - Saint-Nizier-du-Moucherotte




6.853 km


671.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful area of Sente de Crête in Saint-Nizier-du-Moucherotte. The trail is circular, starting at an elevation of 1232 meters and reaching a height of 1809 meters.

As you begin your hike, you will pass by a parking area, providing a convenient place to leave your vehicle. Continuing on, you will come across the ruins of Tremplin de ski; Rampe de lancement compétition ski, which used to be a ski jump ramp.

Further along the trail, about 2 kilometers in, you will find the wilderness hut known as Abri du Moucherotte, where you can take a break and enjoy the surroundings. Nearby, at the same distance, is the viewpoint and peak of Moucherotte, offering stunning panoramic views of the area.

As you progress on the trail, you will encounter various informational points such as La Roche, Combe de l'Ours, Roc de Bataillon, Sous le Moucherotte, Les Grandes Traversées du Vercors, and others. These points provide interesting insights into the nature, history, and attractions of the region.

Hiking this 6.853 km route with an elevation gain of 671 meters is of moderate difficulty due to its length and incline. Be sure to bring plenty of water, snacks, and check the weather forecast before heading out. Enjoy the diverse landscapes and points of interest along the way, and don't forget to capture the magnificent viewpoints for lasting memories.

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