Relief Maps

Hiking : Harzergrabenweg - Harzergrabenweg

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Solothurn Amtei Thal-Gäu

Map of the trail for Harzergrabenweg - Harzergrabenweg




0.782 km


0.0 m

The Harzergrabenweg hiking route is a super easy out-and-back trail that spans 0.782 kilometers with no elevation gain. The route is located in a picturesque area with lush greenery and scenic views.

As you start your hike, you will come across the Waldlehrpfad information point which is located just 14 meters from the trail. This is a great spot to learn more about the local flora and fauna. Further along the trail, approximately 0.39 kilometers from the start, you'll encounter a beautiful waterfall that is perfect for a quick rest stop and photo opportunity.

There are also picnic sites along the trail, perfect for enjoying a snack or meal in nature. These picnic sites are located at a distance of 172 meters and 159 meters respectively from the trail, providing opportunities for relaxation and enjoying the surroundings.

Remember to bring plenty of water and snacks for the hike, and always check the weather forecast before heading out. With its short distance and flat terrain, the Harzergrabenweg trail is perfect for hikers of all levels looking for a leisurely outdoor experience. Enjoy the tranquility of the natural surroundings as you explore this delightful hiking route.

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