Relief Maps

Hiking : Мисхорская тропа

Україна Автономна Республіка Крим Ялтинский городской совет

Map of the trail for Мисхорская тропа




8.574 km


694.0 m

The hike on the Mischor Trail offers a challenging trek through the beautiful landscape of the area. The 8.574-kilometer route has an elevation gain of 694 meters, making it a difficult trail that will test your endurance.

Starting at the parking area, you will begin your journey into nature. About 1.34 kilometers into the hike, you will come across Lake Goluboye, a picturesque spot perfect for a quick break and some beautiful views.

Continuing on, at around 3.45 kilometers, you will encounter Voronya Skala, a notable peak that offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding area. This is a great spot to take in the natural beauty and snap some photos.

As you approach the 4-kilometer mark, you will find Mischor Cave, a fascinating natural wonder that adds an element of excitement to the hike. Just before this, you will also come across Sosna Samolyot, a unique attraction that adds to the charm of the trail.

Further along the trail, at about 4.29 kilometers, there are two viewpoints, offering a chance to pause and admire the scenery from different perspectives. These spots are ideal for soaking in the surroundings and appreciating the beauty of the area.

It is important to note that there are facilities along the trail, including a shelter and drinking water station, providing some convenience for hikers.

Given the length and elevation gain of the trail, it is recommended to come prepared with plenty of water, snacks, and proper hiking gear. Additionally, checking the weather forecast before embarking on the hike is always a good idea to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Overall, the Mischor Trail is a rewarding adventure for hikers looking to challenge themselves and immerse themselves in the natural splendor of the area.

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