Relief Maps

Hiking : Croix du Crêt

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie

Map of the trail for Croix du Crêt




2.344 km


279.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route to Croix du Crêt!

This moderate 2.344 km circular trail offers stunning views and historical points of interest along the way. Starting at the trailhead, you'll pass by the Parking Auberge des Tonnelles and the Auberge des Tonnelles restaurant just a short distance from the beginning of the trail.

As you continue on, you'll reach Le Verger campsite, a perfect spot to rest and enjoy the surroundings before heading towards the Croix du Crêt viewpoint, located 1.11 km from the start. Take in the breathtaking vistas and admire the wayside cross at this historical site.

Further along the trail, you'll come across the Sentier de Crête information point, providing insights into the local area. Be sure to stop at the bench for a break and capture the scenic landscape from the viewpoint 1.11 km from the start.

The trail offers a moderate difficulty level with 279.0 meters of elevation gain, making it suitable for hikers looking for a short yet rewarding adventure. Remember to bring water, wear appropriate footwear, and check the weather forecast before embarking on this picturesque hike.

Enjoy the tranquility of nature and the rich history of Croix du Crêt as you explore this captivating hiking route.

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