Relief Maps

Hiking : Paradiesgärtli - Glattfelden

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Zürich Bezirk Bülach Glattfelden

Map of the trail for Paradiesgärtli - Glattfelden




2.819 km


146.0 m

This hiking route takes you to the beautiful area of Paradiesgärtli in Glattfelden. The trail is an out-and-back route with a total distance of 2.819 kilometers and an elevation gain of 146 meters. The estimated duration for this hike is around 48 minutes.

As you start your hike, you will pass by various points of interest along the way. You will come across the Riverside area with parking facilities, restaurants like Thaigarden, Kesselhaus, and Turbinenstube, as well as picnic sites and viewpoints. Make sure to check out the cave entrance at Heidenstube and the information points at Paradiesgärtli for some interesting insights into the area.

The trail offers a moderate difficulty level due to its length and elevation gain. It is recommended to bring enough water, snacks, and to wear appropriate hiking gear. Make sure to check the weather forecast before heading out and plan accordingly.

Overall, this hike provides a great opportunity to explore the natural beauty of the Paradiesgärtli area and enjoy a peaceful and refreshing outdoor experience.

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