Relief Maps

Hiking : Via Alpina

Italy Piedmont Cuneo

Map of the trail for Via Alpina




0.836 km


71.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route on Via Alpina! This super easy trail spans a distance of 0.836 kilometers with an elevation gain of 71 meters, making it a great option for beginners or those looking for a leisurely stroll in the outdoors.

Starting off at the trailhead, you will come across the Masso dell'apparizione, a historic memorial located just 0.1 kilometers from the start. Further along the trail at 0.24 kilometers, you will find an informational point providing insights into the area's history and significance.

As you continue on, be sure to stop by the two drinking water points along the way, situated at 0.03 and 0.1 kilometers from the start respectively. Staying hydrated is essential, especially on shorter hikes where it can be easy to overlook the importance of water intake.

At the midpoint of the trail, approximately 0.42 kilometers from the start, you will encounter the serene Lago di Sant'Anna. This picturesque water body offers a tranquil setting to rest and take in the surrounding natural beauty.

Before embarking on this hike, remember to pack essentials such as water, snacks, sunscreen, and a map of the area. Additionally, checking the weather forecast prior to your journey is always recommended to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Enjoy your time exploring Via Alpina, taking in the sights, and connecting with nature on this delightful outing.

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