Relief Maps

Hiking : Piton de Bellefont

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère

Map of the trail for Piton de Bellefont




11.56 km


947.0 m

This challenging 11.56-kilometer circular hike in the Piton de Bellefont area offers stunning views and diverse natural attractions along the way.

Starting off, you'll pass by a parking area and an information point providing insights about the surroundings. As you trek further, a picnic site will be available for a quick rest stop before reaching the Perquelin information point. This marks the beginning of your journey, where you can learn more about the area.

Continuing on, you'll encounter the Ruisseau de Bellefont information point at around 0.72 kilometers from the start. Further along the trail, at about 2.14 kilometers in, you'll find the entrance to a cave, adding an exciting element to your hike.

Around the midway point, at 3.54 kilometers, you'll reach Pas de Rocheplane, a notable saddle point. As you proceed, the Dôme de Bellefont peak, standing at 5.16 kilometers, offers panoramic views of the area.

Be sure to check out Cascade du Guiers waterfall and nearby spring at 1.16 kilometers and 1.07 kilometers from the start, respectively. These refreshing natural features are perfect for a scenic break.

As you near the end of the hike, a cave entrance at 1.82 kilometers and additional information points will keep you engaged. Finally, the stunning Piton de Bellefont peak at 5.54 kilometers offers a rewarding conclusion to your journey.

With an elevation gain of 947 meters and a duration of approximately 5 hours, this hike is classified as difficult. Be prepared with proper hiking gear, plenty of water, and snacks. Check the weather forecast before heading out to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

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