Relief Maps

Hiking : Route de Laffrey - Route de Laffrey

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère

Map of the trail for Route de Laffrey - Route de Laffrey




9.806 km


423.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful area surrounding Route de Laffrey. With a distance of 9.806 kilometers and an elevation gain of 423 meters, this hike is categorized as difficult and is expected to take around 3 hours and 19 minutes to complete.

As you begin your journey, you will come across Cable Keller, a historical landmark located approximately 3.23 kilometers from the starting point. Along the way, you will encounter various water sources, some of which are closer to the trail while others are a bit further away. It is important to carry an adequate supply of water with you and stay hydrated throughout the hike.

Additionally, there are several amenities available along the trail, including parking spots, information points, and places to rest such as benches and eateries. These facilities can be found at different points along the route, providing you with opportunities to take breaks and enjoy your surroundings.

Towards the end of the hike, around the 3.05 kilometer mark, you will reach Le Châtaignier, another point of interest that offers valuable information about the area. Finally, as you make your way back, you will pass by La Frette, an informative spot located approximately 3.9 kilometers from the starting point.

Before embarking on this adventure, make sure to check the weather forecast and pack essential items such as water, snacks, a map, and appropriate hiking gear. It is also recommended to inform someone about your hiking plans and expected return time for safety purposes.

Overall, this circular hiking route offers a challenging yet rewarding experience for outdoor enthusiasts, allowing you to explore the scenic landscapes and rich history of Route de Laffrey. Enjoy the journey and make the most of your hiking adventure!

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