Relief Maps

Hiking : Bodenackerweg - Bodenackerweg

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Bern/Berne Verwaltungskreis Bern-Mittelland

Map of the trail for Bodenackerweg - Bodenackerweg




1.216 km


0.0 m

Welcome to the Bodenackerweg hiking route!

Located in a beautiful area, this super easy circular route covers a distance of 1.216 kilometers with no elevation gain. The hike is perfect for beginners or those looking for a relaxing walk in nature.

Along the trail, you'll come across various points of interest:
- At the beginning of the trail, you'll find convenient parking facilities.
- About 0.08 kilometers into the hike, you'll reach the Bodenacherfähre information point.
- Midway through the hike, at 0.5 kilometers, you'll encounter a water feature.
- As you continue on, you'll pass by historic tomb sites that are slightly off the main trail.
- Further ahead, at 0.53 kilometers, you'll come across more water features.
- Rest and relax on the benches located at different points along the trail.
- At 0.08 kilometers, you'll find the Fähribeizli restaurant for a quick bite.
- Towards the end of the hike, at 0.53 kilometers, there are picnic sites for a break.
- Learn more about the area at the Bodenacher and Mannenried information points.
- Take in the scenic views of the Aare river with information points along the way.

Remember to bring plenty of water, wear comfortable shoes, and check the weather forecast before starting your hike. Whether you're out for a leisurely stroll or a nature excursion, the Bodenackerweg hiking route offers a delightful experience for all outdoor enthusiasts. Enjoy your adventure!

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