Relief Maps

Hiking : Reipoltskircher Berg

Deutschland Rheinland-Pfalz Donnersbergkreis Steinbach am Donnersberg

Map of the trail for Reipoltskircher Berg




6.444 km


185.0 m

Located in the beautiful region of Reipoltskircher Berg, this circular hiking route offers stunning views and a variety of points of interest to explore along the way.

Starting at the coordinates 7.951936, 49.601228, you will embark on a 6.4 km journey with an elevation gain of 185 meters. The estimated duration for this hike is approximately 1 hour and 35 minutes.

As you begin your trek, you will first encounter the picturesque Saufels water feature, just 1 km from the starting point. This natural attraction provides a peaceful setting to enjoy the sounds of flowing water.

Continuing along the trail, you will come across the Keltengarten archaeological site, located right at the beginning of the route. Explore this historic site and learn about its significance as you immerse yourself in the ancient past.

At a distance of 3 km from the start, be sure to stop by the viewpoint that offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Take a moment to admire the breathtaking scenery and capture some memorable photos.

As you make your way back towards the starting point, you will pass by the Lachsschwarm artwork and the Pizzeria Bellavista restaurant. Consider taking a break to refuel and enjoy a meal before completing the loop.

Before setting off on this hike, remember to bring plenty of water, wear appropriate footwear, and check the weather forecast to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Whether you are a seasoned hiker or a casual explorer, this trail offers a mix of natural beauty and cultural attractions for all to enjoy.

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