Relief Maps

Hiking : Langenbergwegll - Schönwald im Schwarzwald

Deutschland Baden-Württemberg Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis Schönwald im Schwarzwald

Map of the trail for Langenbergwegll - Schönwald im Schwarzwald




0.832 km


0.0 m

The Langenbergwegll hiking route in Schönwald im Schwarzwald offers a super easy trail for hikers to enjoy. This scenic area is perfect for a leisurely stroll in nature.

As you start your hike, you will come across a parking area where you can leave your vehicle. This is located right at the beginning of the trail, making it convenient for hikers to park their cars.

Around 0.12 kilometers into the hike, you will find an information point known as Käsmatte. This spot provides valuable insights about the surroundings, adding an educational aspect to your journey.

Further along the trail, at approximately 0.42 kilometers from the start, you will reach a viewpoint. Here, you can pause to take in stunning views of the landscape, providing a perfect photo opportunity.

With a total distance of 0.832 kilometers, this route is relatively short and suitable for hikers of all levels. The elevation gain is minimal, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Before embarking on this hike, remember to bring water, wear appropriate footwear, and check the weather forecast. These simple precautions will help you make the most of your time on the Langenbergwegll trail. Enjoy your outdoor adventure in Schönwald im Schwarzwald!

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