Relief Maps

Hiking : Lacs Jovet - Ancienne Route Nationale 202

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie

Map of the trail for Lacs Jovet - Ancienne Route Nationale 202




14.16 km


961.0 m

Welcome to the Lacs Jovet - Ancienne Route Nationale 202 hiking route! This 14.16 km long route with an elevation gain of 961.0 meters is considered extremely difficult, so be prepared for a challenging adventure.

The trail starts with several historic wayside shrines along the way, providing a glimpse into the local culture and history. The first shrine is just 0.09 km from the start, followed by others at various distances as you progress. Take your time to appreciate these cultural landmarks during your hike.

As you continue on the trail, you will come across the Refuge de la Balme at around 4.52 km from the start. This alpine hut offers a resting spot for hikers and a chance to recharge before continuing your journey.

Along the route, you will also encounter natural features like water sources, with one at 1.76 km and another at 2.83 km from the start. Staying hydrated is crucial, so make sure to refill your water bottles whenever you can.

For those looking for accommodation options, the Chalet - Refuge de Nant Borrant is located at approximately 2.05 km from the start. This offers a cozy place to stay overnight if you're planning a multi-day hike.

Additionally, there are information points, benches, and other facilities scattered throughout the trail to provide hikers with necessary guidance and comfort.

Before embarking on this challenging hike, make sure to pack plenty of water, snacks, and appropriate gear. Check the weather forecast and be prepared for changing conditions in the mountains.

So lace up your hiking boots, grab your backpack, and get ready to explore the Lacs Jovet - Ancienne Route Nationale 202. Enjoy the stunning nature and cultural highlights along the way!

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