Relief Maps

Hiking : Roc d’Ourliades

France Occitania Hérault

Map of the trail for Roc d’Ourliades




9.15 km


633.0 m

This hiking route takes you through a beautiful area with stunning natural features and interesting points of interest. The total distance of the hike is 9.15 kilometers with an elevation gain of 633 meters, making it a difficult trek that will challenge both your stamina and strength.

Starting at the trailhead, you will come across parking areas for your convenience. As you begin your journey, L'auberge restaurant will welcome you at the start, offering a place to fuel up before heading out. Further along the trail, you will find a drinking water spot around 0.08 kilometers from the start, which is perfect for refilling your water bottle and staying hydrated.

As you continue on, you will reach the Cascade du Castan Rousset waterfall at around 0.36 kilometers from the start, providing a picturesque setting to rest and enjoy the natural beauty of the area. Midway through the hike, at 4.58 kilometers from the start, you will encounter the stunning Roc d’Ourliades peak, offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

At around 3.56 kilometers from the beginning, you will reach Col du Griffoulas, a saddle point that provides a brief respite before continuing on your journey. Additionally, at 3.79 kilometers from the start, you will find Roc Tiremanric peak, another scenic spot to admire the rugged terrain and take in the fresh mountain air.

Throughout the hike, it is important to stay prepared by bringing an ample water supply, snacks, and proper hiking gear. Checking the weather forecast before embarking on this challenging trek is advised to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Overall, this out-and-back hiking route to Roc d’Ourliades offers a mix of natural beauty, challenging terrain, and rewarding viewpoints that will make for a memorable outdoor adventure.

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