Relief Maps

Hiking : Refuge du Crêt du Poulet

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère Crêts-en-Belledonne

Map of the trail for Refuge du Crêt du Poulet




4.429 km


253.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the beautiful area surrounding Refuge du Crêt du Poulet. The trail starts at Foyer de ski de fond and follows a path with a total distance of 4.429 kilometers and an elevation gain of 253 meters.

As you begin your journey, you will pass by various points of interest along the way. After starting at the parking area, you will find Cafétéria du foyer where you can grab a quick bite before continuing on your hike. As you trek further, you will come across a wayside cross at a distance of 2 kilometers, followed by a water point at 1 kilometer from the start.

One of the highlights of the hike is reaching the viewpoint at a distance of 2 kilometers, where you can take in stunning panoramic views of the surrounding area. Make sure to also visit the peak at Crêt du Poulet, located at the end of the route.

Throughout the hike, you will come across various information points such as Refuge du Crêt du Poulet, Point de repère raquettes E, Point de repère raquettes I, La Grande Bouine, Point de repère raquettes J, and Le Prayet, providing interesting insights about the area and its surroundings.

This out-and-back trail is of moderate difficulty due to its length and elevation gain. Make sure to bring plenty of water, snacks, and to check the weather forecast before embarking on this adventure. The total duration of the hike is estimated to be around 1 hour and 18 minutes.

Enjoy the peaceful surroundings and breathtaking views as you make your way to Refuge du Crêt du Poulet on this scenic hiking route.

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