Relief Maps

Hiking : Augstbach-Wasserfälle

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Solothurn Amtei Thal-Gäu

Map of the trail for Augstbach-Wasserfälle




2.04 km


0.0 m

The Augstbach-Wasserfälle hiking route is a beautiful trail that offers a serene escape into nature. The trail is relatively easy, with a distance of 2.04 kilometers and no elevation gain, making it suitable for hikers of all skill levels.

As you start your hike, you will come across the Augstbach-Wasserfälle, a stunning waterfall located just 1.02 kilometers from the beginning of the trail. The sound of the cascading water combined with the lush greenery creates a tranquil atmosphere perfect for relaxation and photos.

Along the way, you will find a picnic site just 0.02 kilometers from the start, ideal for a break or enjoying a snack while surrounded by the picturesque landscape. Additionally, there are several artworks to admire, such as the Scheibenbaum, Holzweg Thal, Posten 16, and Wolken, Holzweg Thal, Posten 15, both located around the 1.02-kilometer mark.

For those looking to extend their hike, there are benches and a BBQ area about 0.85 kilometers into the trail, providing a great spot to rest or enjoy a meal in the outdoors. Remember to bring water and snacks, especially if you plan on exploring the area further.

As you make your way back, you can take in the sights and sounds of the forest, with the trail lined by trees and foliage. Be sure to check the weather forecast before embarking on your hike and wear appropriate footwear for walking on potentially uneven terrain.

Overall, the Augstbach-Wasserfälle hiking route offers a peaceful retreat into nature, with beautiful landmarks to discover along the way. Enjoy the tranquility of the waterfall and the surrounding scenery as you immerse yourself in this natural oasis.

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