Relief Maps

Hiking : Rebgasse

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Aargau Bezirk Rheinfelden

Map of the trail for Rebgasse




1.153 km


0.0 m

Located in the beautiful area of Rebgasse, this hiking route offers a super easy trek for nature enthusiasts. The trail spans a distance of 1.153 kilometers with no elevation gain, making it suitable for hikers of all levels.

As you start your journey, you will come across various water features that provide a soothing backdrop to your hike. These include multiple water points located at different distances from the trail, offering a serene setting for a quick break.

Along the way, you will also find convenient facilities such as information points and drinking water stations to enhance your hiking experience. Whether you need a refill or some interesting facts about the area, these points are readily available for your convenience.

For those driving to the trailhead, parking is available at the start of the route, ensuring easy access to the hiking path. Additionally, make sure to check out the charming town of Zeiningen, located near the trail, where you can explore local attractions and immerse yourself in the surrounding culture.

Remember to bring plenty of water and snacks for your hike, as well as to check the weather forecast before setting out. With its easy terrain and scenic surroundings, the Rebgasse hiking route promises a delightful outdoor adventure for all to enjoy.

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