Relief Maps

Hiking : GR9 - GR9

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère

Map of the trail for GR9 - GR9




1.108 km


33.0 m

This hiking route on the GR9 trail is a super easy 1.108-kilometer out-and-back trail that offers a leisurely stroll through beautiful surroundings. The route starts at the designated parking area, where you can leave your vehicle before hitting the trail. As you begin your hike, you'll come across informative signposts like "Les Arcelles" and "Château de Beauregard" providing insights into the local landmarks and geography.

Along the way, you'll find several water sources and picnic sites, making it a great spot for a relaxing break or a quick snack. About midway through the trail, you'll encounter a stunning waterfall, adding a touch of natural beauty to your journey.

Hikers are advised to carry an adequate supply of water and check the weather forecast before embarking on the hike. The trail is relatively short with minimal elevation gain, making it suitable for all skill levels. Don't forget to wear comfortable hiking shoes and bring a camera to capture the scenic views along the way.

Whether you're looking for a peaceful nature walk or a brief outdoor adventure, this GR9 trail offers a delightful escape into the tranquil wilderness. Enjoy the serene atmosphere and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the surroundings.

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