Relief Maps

Hiking : Chemin du Bois - Chemin du Bois

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère

Map of the trail for Chemin du Bois - Chemin du Bois




1.088 km


0.0 m

Located in the beautiful area of Chemin du Bois, this super easy hiking route offers a pleasant stroll through nature. Along the 1.088 kilometers trail, hikers will come across various points of interest.

At the beginning of the hike, you will find the "Bar de la piscine" where you can grab a refreshing drink before starting your journey. About halfway through the trail, there is a water source located just 0.52 kilometers from the start, perfect for refilling your water bottle.

For those driving to the trailhead, there are parking spots available with no fees at the start of the route. Additionally, there is a bicycle parking area approximately 0.04 kilometers from the beginning, making it convenient for cyclists to access the trail.

As this route does not involve any elevation gain, it is suitable for all skill levels. However, it is always advisable to bring an adequate supply of water, especially on warmer days. Checking the weather forecast before embarking on the hike is also recommended to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Overall, the Chemin du Bois trail offers a leisurely hike with convenient amenities along the way, making it a great option for a relaxed day outdoors.

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