Relief Maps

Hiking : Emil-Gehri-Weg

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Zürich Bezirk Hinwil

Map of the trail for Emil-Gehri-Weg




1.479 km


0.0 m

The Emil-Gehri-Weg hiking route is a super easy circular trail that spans approximately 1.479 kilometers with no elevation gain. The trail is located in a beautiful natural area with various points of interest along the way.

Starting off, hikers will come across a parking area right at the beginning of the trail, making it convenient for visitors to park their vehicles. As you continue, about 0.36 kilometers into the hike, you will pass by a water feature, providing a serene and refreshing spot to take a break.

Around the midway point of the hike, at approximately 0.67 kilometers from the start, there are benches available for hikers to rest and enjoy the surroundings. Additionally, there are benches located at different points along the trail, offering opportunities to relax and take in the scenery.

Further along the route, at 0.69 kilometers from the start, you will encounter the Kommunales Naturschutzgebiet im Eich Grüningen, providing information about the local natural conservation area. Additionally, at 0.71 kilometers, there is another water point available for hikers.

For those interested in botany, a visit to the Botanischer Garten, located at 0.01 kilometers from the start, offers insight into various plant species and a chance to appreciate the local flora.

It is advisable for hikers to bring an ample water supply, especially on hot days, and to check the weather forecast before setting out on the trail. The trail's ease and relatively short distance make it suitable for hikers of all levels.

Overall, the Emil-Gehri-Weg hiking route provides a leisurely and informative outdoor experience, perfect for a relaxing day surrounded by nature's beauty.

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