Relief Maps

Hiking : Impasse des Taillades - Impasse des Taillades

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Ardèche

Map of the trail for Impasse des Taillades - Impasse des Taillades




9.032 km


137.0 m

This challenging 9.032-kilometer circular hiking route will take you through the picturesque area of Impasse des Taillades. The trail offers a total elevation gain of 137.0 meters, making it a difficult but rewarding adventure.

As you start your journey, you will come across the historic Château de Lamothe, located 1.04 kilometers from the beginning of the trail. Further along, at 1.29 kilometers, you will encounter the impressive Château de Vernade. These historic castles offer a glimpse into the area's rich past.

Along the way, you will also pass by several natural points of interest, including various water features such as fountains and rivers. Be sure to take in the serene beauty of these spots as you continue on your hike.

For those in need of sustenance, there are several restaurants, bars, and fast-food options conveniently located near the trail. Whether you're looking for a quick bite or a sit-down meal, you'll find plenty of choices to refuel during your adventure.

Before embarking on this hike, make sure to bring an ample water supply, as well as snacks to keep your energy levels up. Additionally, check the weather forecast to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience on the trail.

Overall, this hiking route offers a mix of historic landmarks, natural beauty, and dining options, providing a well-rounded exploration of the Impasse des Taillades area. Enjoy the journey!

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