Relief Maps

Hiking : Riesenbergweg - Elmstein

Deutschland Rheinland-Pfalz Landkreis Bad Dürkheim Elmstein

Map of the trail for Riesenbergweg - Elmstein




4.62 km


195.0 m

The Riesenbergweg - Elmstein hiking route is located in a picturesque area known for its natural beauty and historical significance. The trail is a circular route that covers a distance of 4.62 kilometers and features an elevation gain of 195 meters, making it a moderately challenging hike.

As you begin your hike, you will come across the Speyerbrunner Quellwoog, a natural water source located right at the starting point. This is a great spot to refill your water bottles before setting off on the trail. Just 2 kilometers into the hike, you will reach a viewpoint that offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

Further along the route, you will encounter two historical memorials known as Ritterstein Nr. 121, "Frh. v. Haacke Holsriese" and Ritterstein Nr. 254, "Speyerbach Ursprung..." These landmarks provide insight into the area's rich history and are worth a visit.

Before reaching the endpoint, make sure to visit the Speyerbach Quelle, a natural spring that marks a peaceful spot to rest and take in the serene surroundings. The trail concludes at the starting point, where you can find parking facilities for your convenience.

When embarking on this hike, it is essential to bring an adequate water supply, as well as snacks and comfortable hiking shoes. Additionally, checking the weather forecast before heading out is recommended to ensure a safe and enjoyable hiking experience.

Overall, the Riesenbergweg - Elmstein hiking route offers a blend of natural beauty, historical landmarks, and moderate challenge, making it a rewarding outdoor adventure for hikers of all skill levels.

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