Relief Maps

Hiking : Martxate

Spain Navarre Pirinioak / Pirineo

Map of the trail for Martxate




9.318 km


0.0 m

This challenging hiking route in Martxate covers a distance of 9.318 kilometers with an elevation gain of 0.0 meters. The trail takes you through a beautiful area with stunning views and interesting points of interest.

Starting off, you'll find a parking area just 5.67 meters from the trailhead. As you continue, at 1.01 kilometers into the hike, there is an information point providing insights into the surroundings. Midway through the route at 3.47 kilometers, you'll come across a water source where you can refill your bottles.

Further along the trail at 4.25 kilometers, you'll encounter the archaeological site "Fondo cabaña Zamalkorraleta" and at 4.66 kilometers, the peak "Martxate". Both of these points offer unique experiences and historical significance. Additionally, at 0.0 kilometers, there is a viewpoint called "Taplako begiratokia / Mirador de Tapla" that offers panoramic views of the area.

It's recommended to bring an adequate water supply, as the hike can be strenuous. Additionally, always check the weather forecast before embarking on the journey.

Overall, this out-and-back hiking route in Martxate offers a great mix of nature, history, and scenic viewpoints for those willing to take on the challenge.

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