Relief Maps

Hiking : Tercer Estany


Map of the trail for Tercer Estany




4.546 km


266.0 m

This hiking route takes you through a beautiful area with stunning natural scenery and various points of interest to explore along the way. The trail is 4.546 kilometers long with an elevation gain of 266.0 meters, making it of moderate difficulty and suitable for hikers with some experience.

Starting at the trailhead, you'll pass by the "Cubil" restaurant located just 0.11 kilometers from the start, where you can grab a quick bite before beginning your adventure. As you make your way along the trail, you'll come across informational points like the one at 1.28 kilometers into the hike, providing valuable insights about the area.

Around the midway point of the hike, at 1.25 kilometers in, you'll find the "Restaurant Refugi del Llac de Pessons", a perfect spot to take a break and enjoy a meal with a view. Nearby, there is also a cafe for a quick pick-me-up.

Continuing on, at 2.12 kilometers into the hike, you'll reach the "Estany Forcat", a picturesque water body that offers a serene setting to rest and admire the surroundings. At the same distance, you'll also find the "Estany Primer", another beautiful lake to explore.

The final highlight of the hike is the "Tercer Estany", located 2.27 kilometers from the start. This tranquil lake is a perfect turnaround point, where you can relax before heading back. Remember to check the forecast before embarking on this adventure and bring plenty of water to stay hydrated throughout the journey. Enjoy the breathtaking views and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of this hiking trail!

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