Relief Maps

Hiking : Aussichtsturm Schwarzes Moor - St 2287

Germany Bavaria Landkreis Rhön-Grabfeld

Map of the trail for Aussichtsturm Schwarzes Moor - St 2287




3.337 km


34.0 m

Welcome to the hiking route to Aussichtsturm Schwarzes Moor in the beautiful area of St 2287. This circular route spans approximately 3.337 kilometers with an elevation gain of 34.0 meters, making it an easy trail suitable for all skill levels.

As you embark on this journey, you'll encounter various points of interest along the way. At the beginning of the trail, you'll find the Sennhütte parking area, where you can safely leave your vehicle. As you venture further, you'll come across the Steinerner Torbogen, a historic memorial located midway through the hike.

For a scenic overlook of the surroundings, make sure to visit the Aussichtsturm Schwarzes Moor viewpoint roughly 1.53 kilometers from the start. Here, you can take in breathtaking views of the picturesque landscape.

Throughout the hike, you'll also find informative sites such as the information point at Schwarzes Moor, providing insights into the local wildlife and history. Remember to stay hydrated and bring snacks for a picnic at the designated picnic site along the trail.

Before setting off, ensure to check the weather forecast and wear appropriate hiking gear. This route offers a perfect blend of nature, history, and tranquility, making it an ideal outdoor experience for nature enthusiasts. Enjoy your hike to Aussichtsturm Schwarzes Moor!

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