Relief Maps

Hiking : Solothurnstrasse

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra Bern/Berne Verwaltungskreis Emmental

Map of the trail for Solothurnstrasse




6.377 km


0.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the scenic area of Solothurnstrasse, offering a moderate challenge with a distance of 6.377 kilometers and no elevation gain. As you start your journey, you'll come across the Kräiligensteg information point and parking area very close to the trail. Along the way, you'll encounter several water sources that provide a refreshing stop for hikers.

At around 3 kilometers into the hike, you will find multiple water points, with some at a close distance from the trail and others a bit further away. These spots offer a great opportunity to rest and replenish your water supply. Additionally, benches and informational points can be found at different points along the trail, providing interesting insights into the area's history and natural features.

It is recommended to bring an adequate supply of water, especially on warmer days, as well as to check the weather forecast before embarking on this journey. Although the route is relatively short and with no significant elevation changes, it is always essential to be prepared for any unexpected changes in weather or trail conditions.

Overall, this out-and-back hiking route along Solothurnstrasse offers a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in nature, discover interesting points of interest, and enjoy a moderate outdoor adventure in the beautiful surroundings.

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