Relief Maps

Hiking : Sentier de la Crête - Sentier de la Crête - Annecy

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie Annecy

Map of the trail for Sentier de la Crête - Sentier de la Crête - Annecy




1.468 km


51.0 m

Welcome to the hiking trail "Sentier de la Crête" in Annecy! This super easy route offers stunning views and interesting points of interest along the way.

Starting from the parking area at the beginning of the trail, you'll soon come across the "Belvédère de la Jeanne" viewpoint, which is about 0.39 kilometers from the start. This is a great spot to pause and take in the surrounding natural beauty.

As you continue on, you'll pass by the "Pas de l'Échelle" saddle, located approximately 0.38 kilometers from the start. This unique geological formation offers a different perspective of the landscape.

Further along the trail, you'll encounter the "Belvédère du Pas de L'Echelle" and "Belvédère de La Grande Jeanne" viewpoints, offering panoramic views of the area. These viewpoints are located at different distances from the trail, providing plenty of opportunities to stop and admire the scenery.

For those interested in climbing, there are several sectors like "La Grande Jeanne / secteur Renard", "La Grande Jeanne / secteur Marmottes", and "La Grande Jeanne / secteur Lascaux" where you can satisfy your climbing urge.

If you need to take a break, there are picnic sites and benches scattered along the route, allowing you to rest and refuel as needed.

Before embarking on this hike, be sure to check the weather forecast and bring plenty of water to stay hydrated. With a total distance of 1.468 kilometers and an elevation gain of 51 meters, this trail is suitable for hikers of all levels.

Enjoy your hike on the "Sentier de la Crête" and take in the beauty of Annecy's natural landscapes!

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