Relief Maps

Hiking : Route de Saint-Georges-de-Commiers - Route de Saint-Georges-de-Commiers

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère

Map of the trail for Route de Saint-Georges-de-Commiers - Route de Saint-Georges-de-Commiers




3.11 km


0.0 m

This hiking route takes you on a scenic journey through the Route de Saint-Georges-de-Commiers area, offering a relatively easy trek with a distance of 3.11 kilometers and no elevation gain. The circular route starts and ends at the same point, allowing you to explore various points of interest along the way.

As you begin your hike, you'll pass by several water features, such as streams and ponds, providing a peaceful ambiance to your surroundings. Around the midway point, you'll find a drinking water station, where you can refill your water bottles and stay hydrated throughout your adventure.

Along the trail, you'll also come across a parking area, benches for resting, and informational points like Le Plan d'eau and Le Boutey, offering insights into the natural and cultural significance of the area. These points provide a perfect opportunity to take a break, learn more about the surroundings, and appreciate the local heritage.

For a more enjoyable experience, remember to bring plenty of water, wear comfortable hiking shoes, and check the weather forecast before setting out. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned hiker, this route is suitable for all levels of outdoor enthusiasts looking to immerse themselves in nature and discover the beauty of the Route de Saint-Georges-de-Commiers area.

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