Relief Maps

Hiking : Tête du Danay

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie

Map of the trail for Tête du Danay




2.791 km


200.0 m

Welcome to the Tête du Danay hiking route! This circular trail offers stunning views and a relatively easy hike with a distance of 2.791 kilometers and an elevation gain of 200 meters.

Starting at the parking area conveniently located at the beginning of the trail, you will first pass by the Ferme du Danay, an alpine hut where you can take a quick break or enjoy a meal before continuing on your journey. The alpine hut is just 0.59 kilometers from the start of the trail, making it a great spot to refuel early on.

As you trek further along the path, you will come across a viewpoint known as Tête du Danay, located 1.36 kilometers from the starting point. This stunning viewpoint offers panoramic views of the surrounding area, making it a perfect place to capture some memorable photos.

Throughout the hike, you will also encounter other points of interest such as a viewpoint (0.9 kilometers from the start) and a bench (1.28 kilometers from the start) where you can rest and take in the beautiful scenery.

Although this hike is relatively easy, it is always important to come prepared with plenty of water, snacks, and proper hiking gear. Make sure to check the weather forecast before setting out on your adventure to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

So lace up your hiking boots and get ready to explore the picturesque Tête du Danay hiking route!

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