Relief Maps

Hiking : Rue de Lacaunhe

France Occitania Lot

Map of the trail for Rue de Lacaunhe




1.579 km


47.0 m

This hiking route takes you through the picturesque area of Rue de Lacaunhe. With a distance of 1.579 kilometers and an elevation gain of 47 meters, this super easy trail is perfect for beginners or those looking for a leisurely stroll.

As you start your hike, you'll come across an information center where you can learn more about the area. About 0.15 kilometers into the trail, you'll find a watering hole where you can replenish your supply. Further along at 0.69 kilometers, there is another water source, though it may require a slight detour from the main trail.

Around 0.79 kilometers into the hike, you'll encounter two more water points and a parking area for your convenience. If you're feeling peckish, there are various eateries nearby, including a pub and a restaurant, about 0.1 kilometers from the trail.

For those interested in exploring caves, there is a cave entrance at 0.79 kilometers into the hike. Additionally, there are information points scattered along the trail where you can gather more details about the surroundings.

Remember to bring enough water, wear comfortable shoes, and check the weather forecast before heading out. Whether you're out for a casual stroll or a nature-filled adventure, this route offers a delightful experience for all hikers.

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