Relief Maps

Hiking : 1er Panoramique du Glacier des Bossons

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Haute-Savoie

Map of the trail for 1er Panoramique du Glacier des Bossons




1.479 km


112.0 m

This hiking route takes you through a beautiful area with stunning views of the Glacier des Bossons. The trail starts at a parking area located 0.0 kilometers from the beginning of the hike. Make sure to bring plenty of water and check the weather forecast before embarking on this 1.479-kilometer journey with an elevation gain of 112 meters.

As you hike along, you'll come across Chalet le Cerro, a restaurant conveniently located 0.58 kilometers from the start of the trail. This is a great spot to take a break and refuel before continuing on your adventure.

About 0.75 kilometers into the hike, you'll reach the 1er Panoramique du Glacier des Bossons, a viewpoint offering breathtaking views of the glacier. Further along the trail at the same distance, you'll encounter the 2ème Panoramique du Glacier des Bossons, another fantastic lookout point.

For a rest stop along the way, you'll find a bench located 0.46 kilometers from the starting point. This is a perfect spot to sit and take in the scenery before completing the circular route.

Overall, this hike is rated as easy due to its relatively short distance and moderate elevation gain. Remember to take frequent breaks, stay hydrated, and enjoy the beauty of the Glacier des Bossons.

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