Relief Maps

Hiking : Zittauer Hütte

Österreich Salzburg Bezirk Zell am See

Map of the trail for Zittauer Hütte




13.178 km


876.0 m

This hiking route takes you through a beautiful area with stunning views and challenging terrain. The total distance of the route is 13.178 kilometers with an elevation gain of 876.0 meters, making it an extremely difficult hike with a duration of approximately 5 hours and 14 minutes.

Starting at the trailhead, you will come across the Moräne information point at 5.78 kilometers into the hike. This is a great spot to learn more about the geological features of the area. Continuing on, at 6.59 kilometers into the hike, you will reach the Zittauer Hütte alpine hut, where you can take a break and enjoy some refreshments.

Along the way, you will also encounter several viewpoints offering breathtaking scenery, such as the Gletscherblick viewpoint at 5.87 kilometers. Make sure to take some time to appreciate the beauty of the surroundings.

As the hike progresses, you will pass by the Trissl Alm restaurant at 1.39 kilometers, a perfect place to stop for a meal. Additionally, there are waterfalls to admire at 5.78 and 6.22 kilometers into the hike, adding to the natural beauty of the route.

It is important to note that this is an out-and-back route, so you will retrace your steps on the way back. Make sure to bring plenty of water, wear appropriate hiking gear, and check the weather forecast before embarking on this challenging adventure.

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