Relief Maps

Hiking : Ruisseau de la Lampe

France Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Isère Saint-Paul-de-Varces

Map of the trail for Ruisseau de la Lampe




2.037 km


216.0 m

This hiking route explores the beautiful area around Ruisseau de la Lampe. The trail starts at a convenient parking area near the starting coordinates. Before beginning your hike, make sure to check the weather forecast and bring plenty of water.

As you set off on the trail, you will come across an information point where you can learn more about the local area. Further along the route, you will find a bench where you can take a break and enjoy the surroundings.

One of the highlights of this hike is a viewpoint located approximately 1 kilometer from the starting point. From here, you can take in stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

The route is an out-and-back trail with a total distance of 2.037 kilometers and an elevation gain of 216 meters. The hike is of moderate difficulty due to its length and elevation gain, so be prepared for a good workout.

Overall, this hike offers a great opportunity to connect with nature and enjoy some scenic views. Make sure to follow trail markers and stay on the designated path. Have a great time exploring Ruisseau de la Lampe!

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