Relief Maps

Hiking : Kozí kámen

Česko Jihozápad Plzeňský kraj

Map of the trail for Kozí kámen




9.838 km


271.0 m

This challenging 9.838-kilometer circular hiking route will lead you to the breathtaking Kozí kámen destination.

Starting off, the trail takes you through a picturesque area with various points of interest along the way. At the beginning of the hike, you will find a beautiful water body, which is 3.01 kilometers from the starting point. Midway through your journey, you'll come across several benches where you can take a break and enjoy the surrounding nature. These benches are located 3.17 to 3.24 kilometers from the start.

As you continue your trek, you will encounter Čižice bridge, situated 3.46 kilometers from the starting point. This spot provides a great opportunity to rest and take in the scenery. Nearby, there is a memorial site located 3.01 kilometers from the start, offering a moment of reflection.

On the way back, you will pass by Prusiny information point at the start of the trail, Nebílovy chapel information point 0.57 kilometers from the start, and Kozí kámen information point at 4.69 kilometers. Additionally, you will reach Kozí kámen peak, 4.79 kilometers away, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

Throughout the hike, it's recommended to carry an ample water supply and check the weather forecast beforehand due to the trail's length and elevation gain of 271.0 meters.

Embark on this adventure to Kozí kámen for a rewarding and invigorating hiking experience!

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